The cabinet space has continuous sterilization and disinfection with HEPA filters and germicidal lamp with ozone and UV!


Why choose Natural Silhouette?

  • Diet based on nutrient-rich foods
  • Advice from experts in the field
  • Easy to follow long-term food programs and continuous support
  • Food from the farmer’s market
  • Results that you can maintain over time

Are you looking for a nutritionist in Bucharest? Our team is at your disposal through our Rapid Weight Loss and Nutrition Center in Bucharest or through the online diet program all around the world.

Bucharest nutritionist

Are you looking for a nutritionist in Bucharest ? Since 2004, at the Center for Rapid Weight Loss and Nutritional Consulting – all in bold,   Silueta Naturala has maintained its leading position in the field of nutrition consulting due to scientifically developed nutrition programs , permanent motivational support provided, in order to achieve the proposed results.

Natural Silhouette offers personalized nutrition and physiotherapy weight loss programs in Bucharest, in order to obtain and, even more important, to maintain a normal body weight.

The programs are individualized according to the needs and circumstances of each person, while using current nutritional information and physiological assessment technology, with special emphasis on emotional support.

Natural Silhouette programs are based on 3 fundamental principles in the weight loss process :

  1. Detoxification, with capital D
  2. Hormonal and Emotional Balance
  3. Increasing the speed of metabolism

During the weight loss process, great attention should be paid to movement and body care to avoid stretch marks, cellulite, decreased dermal and muscle tone OR weight loss only on certain areas of the body.

Natural Silhouette slimming physiotherapy procedures help to tone striated muscles, decrease centimeters, change body shape and contour, strengthen and tone the skin and prevent and improve the appearance of cellulite, stretch marks and wrinkles.

The importance of local food

Nutrition education refers primarily to awareness of food needs for each individual. We are different, so we need to know what suits us.

Moreover, a diet adapted to the body means eating foods that we are used to – from childhood, not following strict diets or, worse, starving. Balance is, in fact, the key.

It is worth noting that the gene ultimately dictates what is bio-available to the body, ie what we can eat so that we have the right weight.

We do not have to look for miracle foods, from hundreds or thousands of kilometers, but we can feed ourselves properly with what we have at hand, close to our home. If you are looking for a nutritionist from Bucharest, we invite you to discuss more.







The Natural Silhouette Team

Dr. Lygia Alexandrescu

CIO accredited nutritionist, founder of Silueta Naturală

The key to success in the fight against weight gain is not weight loss drugs or endless diets, but Nature.

If we simply eat what nature gives us, we will have a healthy body, just as nature has built us. Today we alter what nature gives us and thus we alter our life, health and body.

Proper nutrition is the most important thing to lose weight and maintain optimal weight.

Losing weight and maintaining the desired weight is a continuous journey to health, not a destination.

Dr. Elena Buhociu

Sports Physician

Sports medicine is a medical specialty, which is addressed to all sports practitioners, amateurs and professionals.

Aspects regarding the preparation, development and post-effort recovery, as well as trophotropic and energotropic medication are treated in this specialty.

When it comes to sports injuries, the causes range from insufficient pre-effort warm-up to the incorrect use of sports equipment and safety precautions.

Dr. Natalia Cucu

President of the Association of Epigenetics and Metabolomics

we are what our grandma ate

One of the unhealthy habits is the tendency to eat a lot, a habit that seems to be written in the eyelashes. We are 99.9% identical for 50,000 years, we are not another species, we have not degenerated.

It is said that we are what our grandmother or great-grandmother ate, but be careful, these are DNA markings, they are called epigenetics that are transmitted transgenerationally.

It seems that obesity also starts there – from the tendency to eat more of grandparents and great-grandparents.

It is estimated that up to 40% of variations in body mass index can be attributed to genetics, which is why in recent years all sorts of nutrigenetics tests have been developed, with the role of establishing a person’s genetic profile and establishing a personalized diet to lose weight.

Dr. Ana Maria Drăgăniță


The skin is the largest human organ (2m 2 ) and is associated with general health and age. According to the saying “you are what you eat”, a healthy skin is a reflection of the type of diet.

Many dermatological conditions, such as acne, rosacea, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or the aging process, are closely related to the type of diet.

Certain types of food can bring significant benefits, while other types of food can act as triggers, such as in patients with post-feeding urticaria or herpetiform dermatitis.

It has been scientifically proven that there are foods that reduce inflammation in the skin, thus contributing to improving the appearance of the skin, as well as slowing down the aging process.

Achieving long-term positive results in the case of these types of dermatological diseases depends on a balanced, correct and individualized diet, associated with a dermatological treatment adapted to each patient.

Dr. Mihaela Dumitru


Obesity is a problem that children face more and more often.

Lately, in addition to parents’ educational efforts to teach them how to eat healthily and exercise regularly, children have begun to be treated as obese as adults.

Like adults, it is not at all easy or comfortable for children to lose weight and so most obese children turn into obese adults.

The first goal in bringing the child to a healthy weight should not be in the first phase the loss of excessive weight, but to stop the fattening process and thus, over time, as the child grows in height, the weight distribution will change.

Psychologist Cristiana Haica

Senior Clinician Psychologist and Psychotherapist

People do not always eat just to satisfy their physical hunger. Many of us turn to food for comfort, to reduce stress, or to reward or punish ourselves.

Eating emotionally means using food to feel better – to fill your emotional needs, rather than your stomach.

Unfortunately, emotional eating does not solve emotional problems. In fact, it often makes you feel worse physically and emotionally, because not only is the initial emotional problem present, but there is another negative emotion – more toxic – guilt.

The occasional use of food as a pick-me-up, a reward or to celebrate is not necessarily a bad thing.

But when eating is your primary emotional coping mechanism – when your first impulse is to open the fridge whenever you’re stressed, angry, angry, lonely, exhausted or bored – you get stuck in an unhealthy cycle where the real problem – the emotional one . It is never resolved.

Alexandra Pelea


Healthy eating and exercise are important elements in prophylaxis, for the health of bones and joints, for increasing muscle mass, in the therapeutic treatment of diseases.

Excessive increase in body weight leads to an overload of bones and joints, muscle pain, etc.

A personalized diet along with controlled exercise, lead to the prevention or improvement of joint stiffness, to achieve joint mobility and stability, to increase muscle mass, for joint support, in case of diseases such as scapula-humeral periarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, gonarthrosis , herniated discs, to repair fractures, also helps prevent or stop osteoporosis, etc.

In the case of cancer patients with lymphatic edema, post-mastectomy, post-hysterectomy, or in the case of patients with post-traumatic edema, in chronic venous insufficiency, in addition to lymphatic drainage, physical therapy, nutrition has a very important role. Increasing body weight predisposes to lymphedema!

Dr. Madalina Popescu

Specialist in Immunology / Clinical Allergology

A balanced diet, based on whole foods provides substances necessary for the natural stimulation of the immune system and protects the body from infections.

First of all, vegetables and fruits have a high content of nutrients (vitamins A, C, E, minerals, zinc, selenium) and are very important for strengthening the immune system.

Statistics show a low incidence of cancer among vegetarians, fasters, and consumers of fiber and whole foods in abundance.

The large number of allergies, especially skin and digestive, is mainly due to the denaturation of food proteins by irradiation, exposure to very high temperatures and genetic engineering; but also the addition of chemicals to food and beverages such as food additives and preservatives, chemical fertilizers and insecticides.

Therefore, it is recommended to consume organic whole foods obtained without the use of chemicals and certified by special bodies.

Primary care physician Dr. Virgiliu Stroescu


It is now known that diet is responsible for more than half of all chronic diseases. However, most of these diseases are optional, in the sense that it depends on each person how they help themselves through the style of nutrition they adopt.

Diet and exercise are factors that, if used improperly, cause more illnesses than smoking (9% of the population).

A balanced diet and regular exercise, along with avoiding smoking, are important factors in promoting and maintaining health.

Myths about food

A common myth in nutrition is not to eat bread at all in order to lose weight.

Unfortunately, or fortunately we could say, life without carbohydrates does not exist, because they are the basis of the food pyramid. A diet in which we have only salad and meat will give results, but in the short term, risking at the end of it to put back a greater number of kilograms.

A small amount of bread is recommended to eat, about 60-70 grams in the morning (2 classic slices), but a quality bread, rye bread, graham. We will avoid white bread, seed bread.

At 1 pm we can eat a baked potato, 150 grams. If we only eat salad, inevitably, later, we will be hungry again. The cause of hypoglycemia is practically the absence of complex carbohydrates, those with slow release. We must also not miss the fruits.

In them we find the glucose, the fructose we need. But a very important aspect: the fruits are eaten, not drunk. There are studies that have shown that the risk of developing diabetes increases by 35-45% if we drink the fruit instead of eating it.

If you are looking for a nutritionist from Bucharest , we invite you to contact us.


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The secrets of such a diet

Natural Silhouette means fast diet with favorite foods, toning and continuous emotional support. Natural silhouette means safe results, results that are maintained. We are waiting for you!

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