How do you properly treat cellulite, which can have a negative impact on your personal and social life?

Cellulite is a condition of the subcutaneous tissue. The layers of the skin are connected to each other by fibrous septa, which gradually contract and harden, leading to the compression of fat cells. The end result is the appearance of orange peel skin.

How do you treat cellulite properly?

Cellulite, correctly called cutaneous lipodystrophy or orange peel syndrome is very common in women, about 80-90% of them being affected and in a much smaller percentage in men, explains Dr. Ana Maria Draganita , Dermatologist.

 Causes: weight fluctuations, unbalanced diet along with hormonal changes, genetic predisposition and lack of physical activity contribute to the development and appearance of cellulite.

In women, the most commonly affected areas are the buttocks, thighs, arms and abdomen. In men, the arms and abdomen are predominantly affected. A wrong myth is about people who may have cellulite.

Not only overweight people can be affected. Weak people can be affected by cellulite as well as overweight people . 

They are aggravating factors for cellulitis complicated

Excess foods rich in fats, carbohydrates, sugar, high in salt and preservatives;

Alcohol consumption stimulates lipogenesis (fat cell production) and dehydration, favoring the appearance of excess fat deposits;

Smoking is also another factor that causes the accentuation of cellulite, by increasing the amount of free radicals in the body and the contraction of small blood vessels, affecting the micro-circulation;



  1. Diet therapy – Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, alkaline food. Complete hydration with oligomineral waters.
  2. Aesthetic medicine has evolved a lot in the last decade and comes to the aid of patients with cellulite, in order to improve the appearance of the orange peel of the skin. Currently available technologies include radiofrequency, ultrasound associated with radiofrequency, electrostimulation, hyaluronic acid injections.

For more details, Dr. Ana Maria Draganita, Dermatologist can be contacted at or at 0737 706 285.